Can I get a sign or window stickers to let intruders know that a security system is installed on the premise?
Yes. These will be offered to you upon completion of your installation or on-boarding process. Should you need to replace a sign, please email your request to [email protected]. Should you need additional stickers, please email your request to [email protected].  You may also mail in your request to one of our offices.

Can I get a Certificate of Installation?

At any time you need a Certificate of Installation, you may: 1) Download a PDF copy from your Customer Portal account; or 2) Email a written request to [email protected]; or 3) Mail in a request to one of our offices.

Can I get a Certificate of Insurance?

The owner of the premise may request a Certificate of Insurance at any time by emailing a written request to [email protected] or mailing in your request to one of our offices.  For security reasons, we cannot accept requests directly from insurance companies.

Will my alarm system continue to work if we lose power?

If you have maintained your equipment, your alarm system should to continue to operate on backup battery for up to 18 hours after a power failure. If your system is reporting a low battery, please contact one of our offices to have your end-of-life battery replaced.

Will my pets left at home set off my system motion detectors?
If you have pet friendly detectors for your home, you may leave your cat or dog inside while the alarm system is set. Please contact one of our offices if you are unsure as to whether you have the right equipment.

My smoke detectors are older but still work, why should I replace them?

The NFPA and local fire departments suggest smoke detectors be replaced at ten years of service. An older smoke detector may still trigger but could be taking longer to perform, when seconds matter in a fire. Should you decide to put off replacement now, it could fail altogether when needed.